Wednesday, October 31, 2012

THe aLKaHoLiks..MaRy JaNe

THe BeaTNuTs x BiG BuN x CuBaN LiNk...oFF the boOks

the good ol days....#HiP HoP..#FoReVeRFLy

THa ALkaHoLiks...LiVe @ a3C

CSHOT...@ a3c : The aLkaHoLiks & The beaTnuTs... by foreverfly iSaw tha liks N the beatnuts live @ a3c iHad to flashback...iHad to post that video iShot of the that shiT brought me back to when iWas 14...Craaazy#FoReVeRFLy

THa ALkaHoLiks...daaaaaaM

RiCk RoSS caLLed OFFiCeR RiCky iN iNTeRview...#LMaO

ayyyy he has a poinT!!!

ALLey boy x TRouBLe...FavoRiTe RaPPeR LiVe @ a3c

@alleyboydte @troubledte #DUCT TaPE ENT

iNDEEDFACE x DJ Burn One // Brass Knuckles Live @ a3C [video]

@iNDeedface @waltlive @gorickygo @theprofessoratl @djburnone #5PMG


guy oN his JeTSki duRiNG huRRicaNe SaNDy...yoLo

BiZZy BoNe x ChoKe No Joke..UNReLeaSed FReeSTyLe iN Ny

CoRey Mo x KiRko BaNGs x MaRcuS MaNchiLd x MiTcHeLLe'l..Roll w/a G

Produced By: Cory Mo / Directed By: 3HM Films / @CoryMoMusic / @KirkoBangz / @MarcusManChild / @Mitchelle_l Sponsored By: 8732 Apparel & Jus Sayin Clothing From the Album: Country Rap Tunes Vol. 1

KeNDRiCk LaMaR seLLs 242,110 isT weeK...#iTOLd U so

sure iSaid he would seLl 250,000 (check my GKMC post) that doesn't make me a prophet...but iDo have prophetic thoughts...

Reese x Don Cannon | Reese vs The WorLd II [mixtape]

MaSTeR P x FaT TREL X CHieF Keef...sessioN

FReDo x GiNo...My PLuG

LauReN HiLL previews "BLack Rage" 1st time eva!!

SNooP x Rza..GGN

GwaN siSTReN

sPaNisH chick iLP webcaM

MaLicia SaNTaNa...TwERKiN naKEd

s/o to iLP iFollow her on iG always wanted to see her naked!!!


BLu & ExiLe...NeeDLe DRop...give me FLoweRs...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

KeNDRiCK LaMaR x NeeDLe DRop..GKMC review

Mya x SPiCe...Take HiM OUT

a wah do some bwoy!!! TuFF tuNe..@missmya



produced by CRy x DJBuRN One.. Directed by Slick 23. The ProfessoR x Ricky FoNTaine x waLT LiVe..#5PMG


produced by DJbuRN oNe x The PRofessor x Ricky FoNTaiNe x WaLT LiVe #5PMG....a CoLoR BRowN sHoT...dope track @scottyatl

iLL BiLL x EL P...SeVeReD HeaDs oF STaTe

iDiDNT posT this b/c iDiDNT feel like iNeeded to that SHyne RespoNDed...

Get More: The Game, Music News

SHyNe says GaMe need to aPoLogiZe

cMoN Blooooood *shyNe voiCe* LOL this youte shyNe crack me uP buT his poinT is vaLiD iSaiD The same thing...

aDay iN THe LiFe oF PaC DiV

aDay iN THe LiFe oF youNG cHoP

GMaNe...SMoke N RiDe MuSiC

"everything you touch gon fail like ceily told mista.." #HoLysHyT thats the iNTRo of the year...

JuiCy J..Day 2 Day....

p.s iaiNT postinG the ep #'s anymore fuck all dat shiT


haaaa haaaaa daS RaCisT makes me laugh...their new LP "ReLax" ouT Now!!

TuRK's 1sT FReeSTyLe...siNCe coMiNG home

he just got home...daMN near 9 yrs...I'm a let this 1 go

LuDaCRiS x KeLLy RowLaND...RePPiN

LoaDed Lux...SaNTiNo

TRiNiDaD JaMes geTs GReeDy

my man says he been rappiN 9mths & is literally the biggest new name in aTL @ the time of me typing this....thats major...shot by CoRey Davis #GReeDMoNT PaRK #GoLD GaNG

Monday, October 29, 2012

z-RO..this aiNT liviN

puNk ass 40 glocc is suiNg gaMe over the fight *wow*

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e40 x xZiBiT...Up ouT the way

RoseNBerG x SeaN PRiCe

aFFioN Crockett...2 CHaiNz..EnuNciaTioN

NaRDwuar vs FlyiNG LoTuS

CHeVy wOODs...CiRCuMsTanCes

produced by i.D LaBs

SoULja Boy...LiFe is Good FReeSTyLe

TeCH N9ne....URaLya

NicKi MiNaj...Va Va VooM

directed by HyPe

KiNG L...VaL VeNiS

the mask finally comes off...wicked L puttiN on for CHiRac

MeeK MiLL x KiRKo BaNGs...YouNG & GeTTiN iT

Friday, October 26, 2012


FOREVERFLYTV exclusive: CSHOT "U caN FLy II" produced by world famous production team "The OLyMpiCks" diRected by SLiM & FoReVeR FLy FiLMs off THE cRiTically acclaimed "FLy wiTh me" LP available exclusively on: @cshot NEW album "Nice From Far...Far From Nice" ... twitter@cshot instagram: cshot_foreverfly - search CSHOT www.facebook,com/foreverfly 'TopshoTTahiphop" & "Masterpiece" ouT NOW!! "The High Life" OUT NOW on iTunes!!! FoReVeR FLy SUPPORT TALENTED INDEPENDENT ARTISTS #SHoTTa!!!!


aSaP x KeNDRiCK..FuCkiN PRoBLeM (LiVe)

KiNG L x PuSHa T x JuiCy hoes They do DRUGs

I'm feelin this artwork..


CiaRA..GOT me GooD

hey iF iPoST weekend why not *kanye shrug*


SeaNwuaR vs PHaRoaH MoNCH

TRUTH...whaT makes a cLaSSiC aLbuM

BLue DaViNCi x BiG MeeCH...iGOT RiGHT [jeezy diss]

whoooooah he had BiG MeeCH on his jeezy diss

Thursday, October 25, 2012


TuKi CaRTeR...aTLaNTaFoRNiCaTioN

ATL's owN tattoo legeNd HoLLyweeRd group member TuKi CaRTeR currently on the road with Wiz Khalifa and company as part of the 2050 Tour, drops off his Taylor Gang debut. Features include Wiz Khalifa, Juicy J, Chevy Woods, Dreamer and Aleon Craft #FoReVeRFLy

MeeK MiLL...DReaMs & NiGHTMaReS leak

agaiN iJusT waNNa sTResS..iDiDNT do iT *kanye shrug* Tracklist: 01 – Dreams And Nightmares 02 – In God We Trust 03 – Young And Gettin It (Feat. Kirko Bangz) 04 – Traumatized 05 – Believe It (Feat. Rick Ross) 06 – Maybach Curtains (Feat. Nas, John Legend, Rick Ross) 07 – Amen (Feat. Drake) 08 – Young Kings 09 – Lay Up (Feat. Wale, Rick Ross, Trey Songz) 10 – Tony Story PT. 2 11 – Who Your Around (Feat. Mary J. Blige) 12 – Polo And Shell Tops 13 – Rich And Famous (Feat. Louie V) 14 – Real Niggas Come First

sHe seT heRSeLF on FiRe R U FuCkiN FOR ReaL o_o

this caNT be liFe...this better be a watergate style coverup...this is too unbelievable there are so many inconsistencies..she cant speak but one reporter says she admitted it iGoTTa keep my eye on this story

LiL FaMe x TeRMiNOLoGy..aFTeR midNiGHT

TRae...CaRTOoN ep 4

yeLaWoLF x RiTTz..SLuMeRiCaN eP7

JuST BLaze x CRaTe DiGGeRS

KeNDRiCk x Jay TRees Live 1ST time

ShyNe sayS keNdRiCk LaMaRs GKBC iS TraSH

sHYNe is dare he blaspheme the HiP HoP baby jesus...

MaLCoLM X..His LiFe & LeGacy

narrated by James EarL jones...much inForRmaTioN

BeN BaLLeR x SeaN KiNGsTON..jesus pieCe

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

KeNDRiCK LaMaR x JuaN epSTeiN

see even kendrick said doNT call his albuM a classic...thank you..shiT is dope has mad buzz & all that but a!

Day II Day w/ JuiCy J ep3

ELLiOT WiLsON..The TRUTH *kenDRiCk LamaR*

Good kid m.a.a.d city oUT noW!!!

JaCkie CHaiN x BiG KRiT...PaRkeD ouTSide

direCted by MoTioN FaMiLy

LiL BooSie..MaMa knOw LoVe

diRecTed by MoTioN FaMiLy #FREE BOOSiE

RaSS KaSS x DoC HoLLyWooD...THe GReaT ReCeSSioN

GaBBy DouGLs xMaC MiLLeR...THiS is how iMade iT

how could you hate these kid...mad positive!! #FoReVeRFLy

T.I. x LiL wayNe..BaLL

directed by MaRK KLasFeLd...produced by RiCo Love #TTLO

RiCk RoSS..DONT LiKe rmx

whoooooahhh..thats fuckiN wicked right there...

Monday, October 22, 2012

LiVe: FiNaL PResiDeNTiaL DeBaTe 2k12

BeN BaLLeR x BeNJi MaDdeN...EP4

MeeK MiLL..D&N iNTRo....#booOOMbOCLoooTT

thats crazy...

yaSiN Bey...aMoDeRN maRVeL iN moDeRN tiMes

AL Doe x SMoke Dza..BLasxFaxMEe

kEnDRiCk x TDE oN the road...#GKMC


#BWAAAHHHAAAAA MR. VeGaS was cryiN...wTF this fuckry off my macbook

AeSoP RoCk...HoMeaDe MuMMy

JoC reSPoNDs to GuCCi...

wyCLeF vs BReaKFaST CLuB...tries to defeND speedos #SMH

iDoNT give a fuck wheN you took iT persoNally...iTs just embarrasing SMMFH....

NiCki MiNaJ...CoMe oN a CoNe

Saturday, October 20, 2012

ORioNiDs MeTeoR SHoWeR...LiVe

Video streaming by Ustream U know I'm #FoReVeRFly so iGaze @ the stars.... Watch the orionoid meteor showers light up the sky tonight. A live Ustream video feed of the Orionid meteor shower can be seen below, which will show the skies over Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. The annual event has star gazers anticipating to see the meteors appear near the Orion constellation. The Earth's orbit moves through a dust trail every October that's left by Halley's Comet that creates showers usually around 20 meteors per hour, according to NASA. Recent years have shown a drastic increase in the number of meteors seen during the shower. Like Us on Facebook "Since 2006, the Orionids have been one of the best showers of the year, with counts in some years up to 60 or more meteors per hour," said a statement by Bill Cooke from NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. The peak of the shower is supposed to be on Sunday morning, a few hours before the break of dawn. Viewers won't need telescopes to see the show as all they'll have to do is go out and look up toward the sky. According to MarketWatch, Columbia University Astronomy Professor Joe Patterson says the Orionid meteor shower will be best viewed with clear skies and away from bright city lights. "Looking south, that's where you'll see it," said Patterson, "but you'll have to get away from city lights. The phase of the moon will be favorable as well with nearly no light coming from it." Read more at

PRoDiGy x JaCk THRiLLeR...taLks ProdiGy & bumpy johnsoN ep

daaaag iDoNT even know what to think was that big of P to biG up hav??

Q frOm woRLdsTaR payiN for pussy

i'm not surprised all the dudes w/ money pay for iT especially the ummmm cosmetically challenged...

DJ DRaMa x Meek MiLLz x 2 ChaiNz x Jeremih...My MoMeNT

oFF qualiTy sTreet Music ouT noW!!!

DJ DRaMa x JaCk ThRiLLeR...Muzik & BeeF

zRo x DaZ in HTowN

BlaCk hiPPy x caRiSSa RoSSi

TuRK's 1sT 72 HRS ouT..#veRy wiCKed!!!

iLike his mindstate after all this bullshiT...iCaNT believe the studio he wenT to was doN trip's...

LiL dURK..LiFe aINT no joKe

TRaP a HOLiCs x DJ HuSTLenoMiCs x CaSh CRooK x GBE: FoR GReaTeR GLORy II


this niGGa C TriPPiN had this siNce 08 & aiNT puT iT ouT we haFFi mek suRe tiNgs like dat doNT happeN agaiN!!! @cshot #FoReVeRFLy


ALiCia KeyS...GiRL oN FiRe

PuSHa T x DRaKe....HoWaRd

FuTuRe x DRake...HowaRd

MeeK MiLLz x TiP...LiVe @ HoWaRD HoMeComiNG

#wiCked!! look @ that crowN in the raiN...

Friday, October 19, 2012

SiR MiCHaEL RoCks x MaC MiLLeR x CaSey VeGGies...GReaT

Get More:

produced by CaRDo #mosT doPe

SiR MiCHaeL RoCks x TRiS...G.E.D

this is my favoriTe soNg oFf LaP of Lux..."Great" is my shiT too tho...

yO GoTTi...CM7...THe WoRLd is youRs

CoReY DaViS x SCRaGG Lee

greedmonT x DTE diRecTed by JaSmiNe BoSToN produced by @gradeamuzik of the CoRey DaviS projeCT #DopE

wEEzy respoNse to NY backlash...haaa haaa

toLd U so!!!

TaBi BoNNey x FaT TReL...TiMe oF heR LiFe

produced by @rioville....shot by @6shoota off LoveJoy PaRk..cooLkidFoReVeR #FoReVeRFly

KiLLeR MiKe x EL-P vs THe NeeDLe DRop review

BiG KRiT vs The NeeDLe DroP review

AB-SouL vs THe neeDLe DRop reView

Thursday, October 18, 2012

CSHOT x DJ BuRN oNe...NO LoVe iN BeTWeeN


No DouBT x Busy siGNaL x MaJoR LazeR...PuSH & SHoVe

BoB MaRLey....iKnow a PLaCe

JoRdaN breaks backboaRd in iTaLy [never b4 seen angle]


iLuV heR TiTs...iLP auDiTioN


TiTo LoPez..THey ToLd Me

TeaChaS PeT ep 13

deBaTe: aFTer a 1YR iN PRiSoN iS aDDi sTiLL relevanT

kaRTeL sTiLL has his mass faNs he may be biGGeR now

CoLLie BuDDz...WoNT B LoNG

JeLLyRoLL...DReaM whiLe I'm awake

TRoCk...aK 47

JuiCy J...Day II Day ep II

HaRLeM WoRLd faShiOn iCON: DaPPeR DaN

s/o to the oG pee wee kirKLanD!!!! real husTLeRs!!

BiG SeaN x GQ...FReeSTyLE "100"

KeNDRiCk LaMaR x DR.DRe liVe

iDLE waRSHip...beauTiFULLy BaD

iHeaRT Res...

FReDDie GiBBs x MeTHoD MaN x STReeTLiFe...BuiLT liKe THiS

NiCki MiNaJ x CaSSie..."The BoYs"

iJusT like giRLs & cassie knows iLike her iThinK lol when nicki goes dowN iT just makes my day for some reasoN...

THE weeKeND...WiCKeD GaMEs

CHieF KeeF x YouNg choP...LoVe SoSa

shot by DGaiNz

RiTTz x YeLaWoLF...SLeep @ niGHT

WyCLeF...weLL deseRved DonKey of the Day

this fool wenT from a nappy head (his term not mine) haitian militant to a bald head in a bikini...a wah dis lawd...liFe iNNa di gideon #sMH

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

GuCCi MaNe x DJ aCe x DJ SCReaM...TRaP GoD

The most anticipated GuCCi tape siNCe iAcTually doNt remember bu iTs heRe....& the graphic designer finally lasso'd the frame LMaO

KeNDRiCk LaMaR...GoOd KiD m.a.a.d ciTy [leak]

iJusT waNT to staRT w/ my disclaiMer "iDiDnT do iT" especially for this leak b/c this is hip hop's sweet baby jesooos buT shiT happenS & iHave no doubt that his fans wiLL be just as supportive come the 22nd...iSay he does @ least a 1/4 miLL 1st week support the artist iHave the iTunes link below #FoReVeRFLy (update) iKiLLed the link ouTTa the fact iKnow KendRick woRked really hard...BuY iT! good kid, m.A.A.d city Tracklist: 01. Sherane a.k.a Master Splinter’s Daughter (Prod. By Tha Bizness) 02. Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe (Prod. By Sounwave) 03. Backseat Freestyle (Prod. By Hit-Boy) 04. The Art of Peer Pressure (Prod. By Tabu) 05. Money Trees (Ft. Jay Rock) (Prod. By DJ Dahi) 06. Poetic Justice (Ft. Drake) (Prod. By Scoop DeVille) 07. good kid [Prod. By Pharrell] 08. m.A.A.d city (Ft. MC Eiht) (Prod. By Sounwave & Terrace Martin) 09. Swimming Pools (Drank) *Extended Version* (Prod. By T-Minus) 10. Sing About Me (Prod. By Skhye Hutch + Sounwave) I’m Dying Of Thirst (Prod. By Like of Pac Div) 11. Real (Ft. Anna Wise) (Prod. By Terrace Martin) 12. Compton (Ft. Dr. Dre) (Prod. By Just Blaze) DELUXE EDITION 13. The Recipe (Ft. Dr. Dre) (Prod. By Scoop DeVille) 14. Black Boy Fly (Prod. By Rahki & Dawaun Parker) 15. Now Or Never (Ft. Mary J. Blige) (Prod. By Jack Splash) 16. Collect Calls 17. Swimming Pools (Drank) (Prod. By T-Minus) buy the albuM:

HiT Boy...EasT vs WesT

Cory Mo x Killa Mike x RiTTz x PiLL x SCoTTy x RiTcHi x SLiMM x BackBone x CBone // ATL Smokers Only

good to see soMe ATL uNiTY produced by CoRy Mo x the sample

e40 x Too SHoRT x TraVis PoRTeR...DuMP TRuCK

"easy back iT up...briNG iT back coMe rewiNd..."

SmoKe DZa x FaT TReL...STudio SmoKe SessioN

ToMMy Lee pT3

ToMMy Lee vs BouNTy...PT 2

ToMMy Lee vs BoUNTy... uP & live interview pT 1

MoBay a buSS!!!!

MR.Lexx..DeM a wiFe/ NaH beG a gyal

VyBz KaRTeL...BaCk To LiFe

iOCTaNe..BuN iT & LuAgH

MaVaDo...FuCk GaL & BuSS GuN

#GuNShoTs & SiReNs @mavado_gully

HoOd STaTe of THe UNiON...TyGa xxx

Get More: Guy Code, MTV2

RoSS x MiKeyT..says BLack Barmitzvah was made in 2 days (iCaN teLL)

MaC MiLLeR...who aTe the caviaR

BuSTa RHyMeS x J Doe...Movie

GuCCi TRaP GoD listeniNg seSsiON

iCaNT wait until this drop today...plzzz be as dope as iThink iT is (drops to knees)

HoNey BoO...ep 5

Saturday, October 13, 2012

GuCCi MaNE....TRuTH *jeezy diss*

yup iTs starTiNG agaiN...U know every few years this happens...iT almost tradition @ this point...iHeard jeezy just said BLue is a sniTCh so lets see how this plays out...

STeVeN Jo...MoNey DaNCe (hella bandz)

even LiL MouSe biTiNG or is iT his ghostwriter biTiNg iDoNT even fuckin know #SMH...iMean even the title with the parenthesis is the same goooddaam is this robbery week...WTF!

Friday, October 12, 2012



biTches R fuckiN eviL

she needs to be in prison forever!!! the fuck is wrong is wrong w/ people

LoaDed Lux x BReaKFasT CLuB

JuSTiN BieBeR X Nikki MiNaJ....BeaUTY & a BeaT

GuNPLay suRReNdeRs to miami dade pD

Get More: Music News

WaKa x TRae...iGoT em

FoReVeR FLy ExpOSe...BiRdMaN vs JiMMy 2 TyMes

ok so iDecided to start really exposing the industry song robbery b/c iTs just at a point now iTs happening way too fuckin often. iMean iPlace all this dope underground muzik killing the majors & they're not getting the recognition they deserve. iTs like when iPost that the fact that STS had www (women, weed, what to wear) before kendrick lamar (www) women, wee, weather... master P robbing my brejriN Luney Tunes...hell even CSHOT's songs & coNcepts are getting robbed by several artists unknown to huge artists & nobody seems to give a fuck well iFuckin do & iGoTTa start exposing this shiT. You know as an artist in the world where no ideas original iTs pretty fucked up when you actually create something that is then a muthafucka w/ more money & a biGGer machine gets the recognition & the fans dont give a fuck most time...ometimes iT may be a coincidence but often times its not i"ve beeN in the back of the industry watching too so iKnow how they just lawyer up push the record & shut the other artist out never even paying them or giving them writing credit. iDoNT know why this was the last sraw but iT was. NoT b/c iKnow the artist personally, forget the fact iDesigned the cover...just look at the facts. iF you say you doNT know Jimmy 2 tymes & you dont live in ATL thats cool but his sonG also features Tman & FuTuRe. Now iF you say none of these muthafuckas on the new shoutout song dont interact with them iFuckin think your an idiot. Furthermore on my birthday BETHHA weekend here in aTL we partied our ass off (check my instagram) and they played shoutout (#8 on Tunnel Vision) at every single strip club we went to from Magic ciTy to D.o.A, STrokers & onyx...I'm just saying maybe they might have heard iT when they were in the club like we all did, hell the is is on this blog as well as a few that I've seen too. Now birdman has a shoutout to a young chop beat w/ FrenCh & the hook says the shoutout the same way 0_0...coiNCidence..u decide?

iGGy aZaLea...TRaP GoLD

iThouGht glory's cover was wicked..whew!!! iLove the iNdide of the album arTwoRk..s/o to the desigNeR who is also the arTisT iGGy aZaLea iTs geniuS...

DaZ...ONCe aGaiN


DJ Jazzy JeFF x CRaTe diGGeRs

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


DJaNGo...TraiLeR pT deux

u caN tell iReally wanna see this...

GiRL tuRNs her boyfriend iN for 20K

iReFuse to completely trust a biTch!!!

FaT TReL...GLeeSH CHRoNiCLeS ep2

FaT TReL..The GLeeSH CHRoNiCLeS ep1


FuTuRe..SuPeR FuTuRe vLoG

RaRa x DJ BuRN One...GoNe

2 CHaiNz eduCaTes felons on voTiNg rights

aNGeL HaZe..WeRkiN GiRL


BeN BaLLeR x RoB KaRdaShiaN

so U live in a tiNy ass apT & U spenD 45,000 O_o hoLLyweerd

JaHLiL BeaTS x ReDiRoC x EGRaM...Pay em No MiND

thats iLL @jahlilbeats made MTV jamS grabbed my brejriN rediRoc thats a W.PhiLLy spiTTa for real 6200

jOey BadaSS x FaT TReL x PRo ERa x RoSeNbeRG..SeSSiON

JuiCy J x WHoO KiD


JuiCy J..DaY 2 Day

MeeK MiLL x BiG SeaN...BuRN

50 cenT bowLiNG w/ GuNPLay's MMG chaiN

#BWAAAHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHAAAA iGueSS that answers my question of who's goNNa be rockiN guNPlay's chaiN 1sT

PeTeR RoSeNBeRG goes iN on ShyNe

Peter Rosenberg Goes In On Shyne For Trying To Expose Rick Ross About Judaism

s/o to for the link!

SHyNe goes iN oN DiDdy x RoSS x DRaKe

RiCk RoSS x DRaKe x WaLe..DiCed PiNeAPPLes

XZiBiT...CLoSe uP doc

CoRey Mo x TaLiB x KiLLeR x MiTCheLLe"l...GeTTiN 2 Tha $$

oDD FuTuRe..CaRNiVaL

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


iNDeeD (RiCky FoNTaiNe x WaLT LiVe) x DJ BuRN oNe x The PRoFessOR presents the long awaiTed iNDeeDFace...& must iSay this is a musical masterpiece U goTTa admiT U never heard anything like this dowN souTh siNCe the miGHTy DuNGeoN FaMiLy...SaluTe to FiVe PoINTs raisiNG the bar...& may be even a classic just by the cover designed by the iCOnIC arTiST @gregmike...U need to do yourself a favor & peep this and support great music!!! NuFF RespECT to @gorickygo @wlatlive @djburnone @theprofessoratl @5pMG #FoReVeRFLy

BiG SaNT...MF x OG

GuCCi MaNe x YouNG SCoOTeR...MoNey HaBiTs

STeVie J x CyPha soUNDs..explaiNing the video

WayNe N STeVie J kiSsiNg...

so what is waYne goNNa say thats a thug kiss or better yet thats EuRo Weezy huh.. O_O

The ToMoRRoWs CyPheR PT 1

RiTTz...SuCkER FRee FReeSTyLe

SCRaGG Lee x ALLey Boy....BOTHERiNG Me


Rick Ross // The BLaCk BaRMiTzvaH

eveN tho iTs not that dope iTs like Dedication 4 & Meek MiLLz mixtapes remixed w/ a 16 from roSS O_O iKnow that youte ShyNE is proly steamiN iN iSRaeL over this tho LMaO...L'ChaiM...

BeN BaLLeR...EP 2

Monday, October 8, 2012


LuPE FoOD & LiQuOR II review by The NeeDLe DRoP

iCoMPLeTeLy agRee!!!

SMoKe DzA...K.O.N.Y

Curren$y x Harry Fraud | BiScayNe Bay


KiLLeR MiKe x EL-P...ReaGaN

#WoRD!!! every visual off R.a.P was iNCREDiBLE!!! @KilleRmiKeGTO needs a grammy!!!

DJ SCReaM x 2 ChaiNz x FuTuRe x Waka x yo GoTTi x GuCCi..HoodRiCH aNTHeM

i"m a athlete..iBall iTHinK i"m doMinique @DJSCreaM...LOnG LiVe The HuSTLE


LiL DuRK..52 BaRs II

Lil Durk - 52 Bars (Part 2) Produced By Young Chop Directed by @azaeproduction @lildurk_ @youngchopbeatz

Max PRieST x BuN B...PiMP PRouP

#JeRNTswiTHsPiTTa...ChiN MuziK recorded in the A

TReY SoNGz...DiVe iN

The facT Jay-z rode the R TRaiN to the BaRCLay coNCerT *priceless*

that was dope hov!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

RiTTz x NiKKiya...PaRadiSe

YeLawoLF...SKaTeboaRdiNG..SLuMeRiCaN shIT

something makes me think iPosTed this already buT i"m too high to check...just rock wi/ iT U know iTs FLy...

Mistah F.A.B | HooD uncuT 10 min frestyle

Fabby geTs busy...

Do U sTiLL thiNK everythinG is all good..#SMH

iTs almost the end of 2k12...shiT is real!!!

KReaySHaWN sells 3,900 iST wk*ouch*woRST sales 4 a majoR debuT

so when iWRiTe this in all honesty Kreayshawn's physical cd is only available @ hot topic. sOmeThiNG about KReay released last week were 3,900 which was reportedly the weakest for any major label release. SiNCe the previous record was held by soljaboy when he released the DeanDRe way which sold 5,371. now iDecided to dig a lil deeper & the plot thickens...iT seems tho0ugh KReay's album sales was pretty piss poor iT didnt warrant the title of the WORST come to find out iTs not. Ex MTV VJ Jesse Camp had a deal w/ HoLlywood Records for Jesse & the 8th st kidz self title album which featured Stevie Nicks (look her up) by some miracle & sold a depressing 2,600 KReaY shouldnT feel that bad iGuess *shrugs* (iTRied) U should know this tho...souljaboy is reported currently w/ a net work of 23 million so...iDoNT think he cares...yet.

Friday, October 5, 2012

haaaa haaaa LuKe waNT that check for "PoP THaT"

Uncle Luke Wants To Get Paid For French Montanas Pop That (Where Is My Check At!)

did iNoT say this was goNNa happeN LMFaO...I'm not sayiNg i"m a prophet but iMake prophetic statements...Luke pissed @ FReNCH but the iNFeRnos made the U goN get mad @ him tho haaa haaaaa

@mikeknox215 explaiNs fiGHT w/GuNPLay

so iT was @mikeknox215...word! that fool says GuNPLay chiaN is around LMFaO...oh well wiLD out b4 U get that Fed time...

BeaNS...ShOwIN oFF FReesTyLe