Monday, February 25, 2013

Gucci Manee x Young Dolph x Rulet // Really Ready [video]


CoOL C...GLaMoRoUs LiFe

s/o to that foOL cOoL C he really went all out 4 the GlaMoRouS LiFe...doiN LiFe #hoLD iT dowN kiNG

CoOL C...iGoTTa HaVe iT


oC...FaR FROM youRs

ExqUiRe x DeSPoT x DaS RaCiST x DaNNy BRowN x ELP // The HuZZaH [video]

Produced x Necro. Directed x TKTK MEdia. Video Produced x MISKA.

TiFa x SPiCe..Why U MaD

SpICe...JiM SCReeCHy

SpiCe...FiGHT oVa MaN

RiFF RaFF....TiGeR WoODs

iDoNT know who the lil homie is but he snaPped... @jodyhighroller

Nirvana // Come As You Are

Directed x Kevin Kerslake. Produced x Any Wallace x Butch Vig x Nirvana . #cLaSSiC... Courtney Killed Kurt

ALLey Boy x FaT TReL...CoCaiNe

@alleyboy x @fattrel duCt tape x slutty boyz directed by Blaqstar

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

PReLuDe II a ReVoLuTioN...HueY P NewToN inTeRvieW

wiShiNG Huey a HaPPy eaRTHsTRoNG thanx for everything kiNG!!!!! iF U always talkin about bitches x know when the J x Lebrons are out but dont know who Fred Hampton JR x Huey P x BoBBy SeaLe R...we have nothing to talk about!!

TaBi BoNNey...U

diReCTed by @6ixshoota

gHoSTFaCe x MoNTreaLiTy

THoM DeViTa...TaTToO aGe pT 1

Professor Griff // The Art Of War [video]

siNCe clive Davis came out today...which wasnt a shock to me due to me already listening to the information put out by Professor GriFF x Omar KHaLiF x PaC etc iFeLt iNeeded to poSt some of this information that is out there but you just have to look. PaC already told U about Quincy Jones so when he comes out in his memoirs on his death bed or some shit dont be shocked either #sMh this iLLuminati initation gay ritual doesnt seem far fetched to me anymore....

BeeNie MaN...SuPeRMoDeL

tuFF tuNe @kingbeenieman

RiTTz x DJ BuRN oNe...HiGH FiVe

@therealrittz produced by @djburnone x @5PMG

yeLawoLF x TraViS BaRKeR...FuNky SHiT

Friday, February 15, 2013

JeNNa SHae x ELke STaLLioN

YeS!!!i"ve beeN waNting to see her completely naked for a whiLe now...iCaN fiNaLLy move on x this is just the teaser whoooooooooooo *rick flair niGga* jeNNa about to raise the prices b4 aLLsTaR U know a view like this cost a check s/o to Q 4 this!!!

KoOL G RaP...iN Too DeeP

diReCTed by DuRaN #dOPe...geT soMe real muzik in your LiFe CoP that "RiChed=s, RoyaLty, ResPeCT":

KOoL G RaP x NaS....FaST LiFe


GuCCi MaNe...CHoOSiN x iWoNDeR

the fuck is all this autotune about GuCci...all this doPe HiP HoP iPosTed this morning then this... fuckry #iCaNT...all yall give TpaiN his dick back even he's piSSed: T-Pain Isn't Crazy About Future's Use of Autotune Posted Feb 14th 2013 1:32PM by Paul CantorComments Autotune wasn't a new technology when T-Pain started using it, but he certainly became the audio plug-in's biggest advocate. And who could blame him? He might have sounded like a robot, but at least that robot made good songs. Then Jay-Z's "Death of Autotune" put the kibosh on autotune and it fell out of favor with the rap community. Until last year, when Future seemingly revived it. Well, it seems T-Pain might be a fan of Future, but he's not exactly a fan of how Future has gone about using a technology he once rode to fame and enormous riches. "I don't think Future gets the technology," he told Big Regg of Hot 93.7 in Hartford, CT during an interview. "I don't think he understands how it actually works. I think he's thinking you just turn it on, and it happens. Pain acknowledged that Future -- like most people -- is probably not as familiar with the technology as he could be. "A lot of people don't sing with it, they just sing and put it on after, which is a terrible mistake," he said. "There's a lot of stuff you've gotta know about Auto-Tune before you can start using it, because it's the hot thing to do. But Future's still great, he's doing his thing."

PeTe RoCk x CL SMoOTH....STR8TN iT oUT

95 shiT yall yeah I'm viBiN ouT


BiG L x KiD CaPRi...PuT iT oN

iKnow iPut this up @ one point already but iDoNT give 1 fuck!!!! " PeaCe to the hOmies in the gaNGsTa LeaN...I'll see you when iGet there"


94 shiT yall!!! #FoReVeRFLy


wHeN iWas a jiT I iDolized OC iHad never heard anything like this....#DiTC


iCe T...I'm UR PuSHeR

BiG L...MvP


today is the anniversary of the death of one of the best MC's biG L...iSTarted iT of wiTh fuLL clip b/c iT started w/ BiG L rest in Peace but iALmost forgot now GuRu is goNe as weLL #SMH...LiVe Now #FoReVeRFLy

TyLeR THe CReaToR...DoMo 23


yo that foOL paP buRned the MiC dowN that was wicked as fuck!!!

#R.i.P TiM DoG... FuCk DiaBeTeS

TiM paSSed away from diabetes yesterday (my condolences) iWas a biT too young x we didnt get TiM DoG iN jaMaICa but this was aPParently his biGGesT recorD "FuCk CoMPToN" now DRe Day makes a bit more seNse....

Thursday, February 14, 2013

CoOL BReeZe....CRe-a-TiNe



doG did U peep BET had iT listed as CoOlBreeze not witchdoctor #SMH...s/o to DoC...mights as well do a Breeze track iTs all #DF

2PaC // Holler If Ya Hear Me [video]

This is forever my shit !!! Pac was so live 1993 "Holler If Ya Hear Me" is a song by 2Pac, from his second solo album, Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z.. It was the first single released from this album in 1993. The track, which uses a sample from the song "Do It Any Way You Wanna" by People's Choice and Public Enemy's "Rebel Without a Pause", is an anthem of resistance. Frustrations with black poverty, police injustice, and Tupac's perceived persecution from political figure Dan Quayle fuel the majority of the track.[1] Hustling, bearing arms, and refusal to conform are the key methods of combating said issues, and the chorus leads those listeners in agreement to join in the movement. The song is autobiographical in nature, referring to various traumas experienced by Tupac himself,[2] and the editor of Vibe was quoted in TIME magazine as stating that the song struck a chord with a large section of disaffected youth.[3] The song was used by Michael Eric Dyson as the title of his book about the life of Tupac Shakur.[4] The song was also used as a title for a musical based Shakur's music, which premiered on Broadway at the Palace Theatre on May 26, 2014 and closed on July 20, 2014. The non-biographical musical, directed by Kenny Leon and starring rapper/poet Saul Williams, was also produced by Shakur's mother, Afeni Shakur. 2 Pac is Forever Fly

TuPaC...iWoNDeR iF HeaVeN GoT a GHeTTo

TuPaC..iF my HoMieS caLL

LoNG LiVe paC!!!!! #FoReveRFLy ReWiND

Supercat x Heavy D // Dem Nuh Worry Me [video]

Produced x Alliston Harpaul, Robert Livingston, and William "Supercat" Maragh.#R.I.p Hev biGuPs to Mr.CaT x BiG Les eveN ...super throwback #FoReVeRFLy

SuPeR CaT x ReGGie STePPeR...JuNGLisT


BiGGie x 112 // Sky's The LiMiT [video]

Produced x Easy Mo Bee ..Life After Death is forever a classic.

STs | Counting [video]

S.T.S. flips Autre Ne Veut for the Final Visual off GOLDRUSH lll. DiReCTed by Daniel Gallardo aka "DaNNy CaM" @stsisgold

PHoNy PPL...IWiSH iWas a CHaiR

diReCTed by SaNDLoT TV

MaSTeR P x ALLey Boy x FaT TReL...LoUie V MoB

GuCCi MaNe...TRaP goD II

thats not the oFFicial cover buT this this is the 1 I'm feelin sue me....BRRRRRrrrrr #FoReVeRFLy


Asher Roth x Curren$y | #DuDe

produced by BLenDed BaBies...@ asherroth x @currensy_spitta #DuDe

BoB MaRLey..CouLd U B LoVed

iTs Vday lighteN up get a gaL x reLax!!! #FoReVeRFLy

PoN Pae x FReSCo BuXx...PiMp C

iWaS smokiN a fat spliff wheN iFouNd this shiT had me stuck in the riDDiM s/o to aeO this that sTR8 s.L.a.B iFuxx w/ iT!!! Pon Pae and Fresco Buxx performing Pimp C Follow Pon Pae on Twitter @BoardBoyP and on Instagram @Ponpaedaplaya Follow Fresco Buxx on Twitter @Fescobuxxbbz and on instagram @Frescobuxx Directed By l Toby Kinte Video Inquiries Contact l oH yeah #FoReVeRFLy desiGN oN the AeO logo..thats tuFF!! #FoReVeRFLy

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SLeepy Brown x Big Rube | Choosen [video]

@sleepybrownatl New aLbuM aTL (a towN LegeNd) ouT Now oN iTuens: DiReCTed by Video RaHiM ( Starring Sleepy Brown and Big Rube Ladies: Amahre Palmer, Pia Marie Perry, Rachel Tilghman, Kristen Excited, Theo Lauren Simon, Foxy Roulette, Vivian Kyle, Kelsey Hamilton and Erica Renfro Undercover Agents: Elijah Jones, Cousin Dan, JSin and Wes Hoffman Extras: Dax Diggler, Dungeon Family, Organized Noize, Ray Murray, Rico Wade, Backbone, Slim Calhoun, Mr. DJ, Maul Brown, Myesha Brown, Phillip Morris, Latasha Ann Blackmon and Carlos Tavares. Special thanks to Francis Percarpio, Worldstorm Arts Lab, Luis Velez, Liza Davydotchkin, Big Boi, Organized Noize, Rico Wade, Ray Murray, Backbone, Slim Calhoun, Dungeon Family, Mr DJ, OutKast, Goodie Mob, Stankonia, The Constellations, Ricardo Vasquez, Dwight Phillips, Quick Time Cinema, Black and Boo. HeLLLL yeaahhhhhhhh!!!! #whoooooo today should B DF day!!! s/o to the mighty mighty dungeon family @sleepybrownatl @bigruBe @ricowadeonpatl @dungeoneze

Monday, February 11, 2013


doPe viSuaL @cuRReNsy_spitta #newJeTciTy

The Roots x Dice Raw // Clones [video]

Directed by Paul Boyd. S/O to the roOTs......they make me know hiP hOp still lives this joint had all the elements Beatboxer Rahzel. Produced x a young hungry Scott Storch featuring Dice Raw ... listen to Black Thought, Malik B go nuts (pause) !!! 96 was a good year.

The Roots // Distortion of Static [video]

94 shit y'all. Produced by Questlove x The Roots with Roy Ayers, Proceed II . Off one of my fav LP's "Do You Want More?" released January 17, 1995 on Geffen I've been trying to find out who directed this since I was a jit...not even google or bing has any info ...If somebody finds out link me video is raw. >>>Forever Fly

CoMMoN x EryKaH x DiLLa...THe LiGHT

nuFF reSPeCT to diLLa iFeLT like saying that today...

J DiLLa...woNT do

SKee TV...MaRkeD UP..eP 1

s/o to @djskee for this...iLike this series

TaTToO aGe...TRoy DeNNiNG

KRiNk...THe BeST GraFFiTi iNK

TaTToO aGe...VaLeRie VaRGaS

DesiGNs w/ douGLas GoRdoN

JoeY BaDa$$ x Dza x KRiT...UNdeRGRouND aiRPLay


PuSHa T x RiCK RoSs...MiLLioNs

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

@CSHOT x DJ Burn One// Oz iN THe STaSH [video]

diReCTed by RaSHad SueDe #FoReVeRFLy FiLMs very doPe #sHoTTa!!!..#FoReVeRFLy FOREVERFLY exclusive: @cshot preseNTs "Oz iN THe STaSH" produced by the iNCReDiBLe production team of @DjBuRnOne x FiVe POiNTs MuSiC GRouP @theprofessoratl @gorickygo @waltlive off THE cRiTically acclaimed "MaSTeRPieCe" mixtape LP available exclusively on: @cshot New CSHOT LP "Nice From Far...Far From Nice" available now on iTuNes: cshot_foreverfly 'TopshoTTahiphop" & "Masterpiece" are FRee x aRe ouT NOW!! "The High Life" OUT NOW on iTunes!!! FoReVeR FLy SUPPORT TALENTED INDEPENDENT ARTISTS #SHoTTa!!!!

RiFF RaFF...WHiTe SiLk PaNTs

iFux w/ @jodyhighroLLeR *doNT judGe me*

TuKi CaRTeR...THe JeFFeRsONs

TuKi CaRTeR x aSSToN KuTCheR...iN x OUT

@tukicarter directed by 35MM

TaBi BoNNey x LyKKe Li....WheRe we GoNNa Go

s/o to 6six shoOTeR this joinT iS tuFF!!

yG x TeeCee 4800...GoTTa GeT Doe

coNseQueNce geTs sHoOk wHeN Joe buDDeN coNFRoNTs hiM...

oDDLy eNuFF the video is 5 thats 5 minutes huh coNs...#LMMFAo *fuckin actors*

Sunday, February 3, 2013

@CSHOT // KiNG [video]

FOREVERFLY exclusive #FiNaL cuT: @cshot monster stReeT single "KiNG" produced by super producer @ribahonthebeat off THE NEW album "Nice From Far...Far From Nice" ouT NoW!! LP is many diFFeReNT styLes & tracks iT shows that #ShOTTa is making quality muzik & iS here to stay!!! 'iDont Believe in much but iBelieve iN us"...#FoReVeRFLy

 NiCe FrOm Far...Far From Nice:


ONyx...LaST DaYz

this is my shiT soN!!!!!

LiBeRTy CiTy...THe MiaMi U doNT See

LoRD JaMaR x VLaD..."SkiRTs DoNT beLoNG iN HiP HoP"


Joey BaDa$$....waVeS

iCould've sworn iPuT this up but iDidNT x iTs wicked sooooo...yeahhh !!! diReCTed by VaSHTie


this kiLLt MaC x CheeSe 3..diDNT sound like this tho...they mastered this well!! jesUS this is fuckiN doPe FReNCH !!!! #FoReVeRFLy

jeaN GRae x THe HeRBaLiseR...THe BLeND


MaCH FiVe x BiLaL x HoLLyweeRd....BReaKiNg My HeaRT

this is perhaps the wickedest viSual out...doNT fight me on this...s/o to aRTeMus JenkiNs on the direction x @whoiscoreydavis x @awaremach5...