Thursday, January 31, 2013

GyPTiaN...WiNe SLow

produced by RuSsiAN

SL JoNes x M16...LeT eM TaLk

SL. JoNes x M16...TRaPPeRs DeLiGHT

HoSTed by DJ MLK

Cy-Hi..iVy LeaGue KiCkBaCk

WhOo THe KiD x DJ aCe...FuLL MeTaL JaCKeT

YouNG SCoOTeR...CoLoMBia *HD*

#HoLySHiT thats fuckin wicked @decaturdan...your 2 for 2 niCe averaGe!!!

MGk...La La La

MySoNNe...RaNDoM NiGgaZ

Braap brraaapp

aSTRo...He FeLL oFF

kid caN sPiT

MaCH FiVe x DJ BuRN oNe...JuST KiCkiN

diReCTed by Corey DaviS...doPE

Monday, January 28, 2013

@CSHOT x DJ Burn One // No Love In Between [video]

FOREVERFLY exclusive: @cshot preseNTs "No LoVe iN BeTweeN" produced by the iNCReDiBLe production team of @DjBuRnOne x FiVe POiNTs MuSiC GRouP @theprofessoratl @gorickygo @waltlive edited by FoReVeR FLy FiLMs off THE cRiTically acclaimed "MaSTeRPieCe" mixtape LP available exclusively on: R.I.P PaC "No oNe did iT like you x noNe aFTeR eitHer... @cshot New CSHOT LP "Nice From Far...Far From Nice" available now on iTuNes: twitter@cshot cshot_foreverfly - search CSHOT www.facebook,com/foreverfly 'TopshoTTahiphop" & "Masterpiece" are FRee x aRe ouT NOW!! "The High Life" OUT NOW on iTunes!!! FoReVeR FLy SUPPORT TALENTED INDEPENDENT ARTISTS #SHoTTa!!!!

HiBiT x SCoTTy // THe MoTTo

The Alabama legend HiBiT drops a visual featuring Scotty ...s/o to Walt Live iSee U pimp and bad boy Curtis Williams of Two-9 and CoolIsMac too....The BuSh below: s/o to @djburnone on the production @5PMG x @theprofessoratl x @waltlive x @gorickgo x @scottyatl

GuCCi MaNe...WHaT iT GoN Be

diReCTed by MR.BoOMTowN

RiCk RoSS targeted iN dRiVe By on BdaY

HeaVy iS the head of oNe that roCks a 3.5 kilo cHaiN...but when no checks R gettiN cuT iGueSs this is what haPpeNs...I'm glad RoSS is oK...fuck iParty on that sTrip in Los oLas aLL the time iWas just there for new years....

Meek Mill // Dreams x Nightmares

produced by BeaT BuLLy...very doPe!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

NoiSey JaMaiCa...eP 1 *KaRTeL*

TaBi BoNNey...Love Leaves

FaB...sO Ny *FiNaL cuT*

iHad to put this one up too doNT judge me....

aRaB taLKs to VLaD abouT being sHot 13 x

RiCH DoLLaz geTs aRReSTed duRinG iNTeRView 0_o

iS that his baby moMs or soMething....that wiLd

aSHeR RoTH...THe ReaDiNG

8 BaLL x DoLPH x B-HaV

50 x SNoOP x JeeZy...MaJoR DiSTRiBuTIoN

A.Dd+...caNT U see

Jae MiLLz..The GoD

YN vs LuPe...THe VeRDiCT

for oNce not that iCare but my views R SIMILAR to YN...iWas actually discussing this exaCT same subject on twitter how weiRD...

VaDo...SLiMe FLu 3

Saturday, January 19, 2013

RoC MaRCiaNo...ReLoaDeD

1. Tek To A Mack 2. Flash Gordon 3. Not Told (ft. Knowledge Pirate & Ka) 4. Pistolier 5. Thugs Prayer Pt. 2 6. 76 7. Wee Ill 8. Deeper 9. Death Parade 10. 20 Guns 11. Peru 12. Thread Count 13. Nine Spray (ft. Ka) 14. Emeralds 15. The Man

RoC MaRCiaNo...76

produce by @rocmarci...#doPe...reLoaded ouT now...hell iThink iFoRGot to post iT...iGoT yaLL tho...

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Roots // SiLeNT TReaTMeNT [video]

Directed by Frank Sacramento. Produced x Black Thought...The Roots are my favorite group...they embody real #doPe HiP HoP x when I met them it was an experience I'll never forget. Roots Forever. Forever Fly #TGiF

DiCe Raw x RaHeeN DeVaUGHN...sOMeboDy LoveS U


RaeKWoN..LoST JewLeRy

BuJu BaNToN...DRiVeR A #ReWiND

#FRee BuJu

NaRDwuaR vS HoPSiN

TaLiB KweLi x JuaN ePSTeiN

SiR MiCHaeL RoCks...MaKe THis BReaD

SiR MiCHaeL RoCks....LaP oF Lux 1.5

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


veRy DoPe!!!!

French Montana x Curren$y | So HiGH

#FoReveRFLy rewinD...cuz I'm sMokiN this super oGiZZLe iDoNT give a fuck iF iTs not THuRsday...viBe w/me!!


shoT by @dgaiNZ

PRoJeCT PaT x NaSTy MaNe...SaCKFuL

SLuM ViLLaGe..DeCaDeNCe x How iT FeeL

JaDeN x WiLLoW...KiTe

HoLyShyT....this is #FLaVa!!! CMoN man these R kiDs this tuNe souND beTTer than their parenTs s/o wiLL x Jada tho....they breed taleNT!!!

"I'm laRGeR thaN that niGGa STeVeN SeGaL"

thats how i"m feeliN today #SHoTTa!!!!

Joey BaDa$$ x DJ PReMieR...UNoRTHodox

DoPe arT x soNG x track!!! R.I.P sTeeZ

SeaN PRiCe..GeNeSiS oF THe OMeGa

THaTs kiLLeR riGHT theRe!!!!! miC TySoN iN stoRes!!!! suPPoRT iNDie HiP HOP!!!!

CyHi The PRiNCe...THe KiCkBaCK

iLike that he uSed a line "bitches hella rude" soRTa like #shOTTa

TRoy MoNey x STaRLiTO // CHeaP PHoNeS

ELdoRaDo ReD...wHiTe NiGHTs

TRiNiDaD JaMES waiTs a week in line @ waLTeRs 4 FoaMS #LMFaO

#HaaaaaH HAAAAaaaa iThink iTs besT that iSTay siLenT...iS that whats hoT in the streets o_O

CHieF KeeFx YouNg CHoP..3HuNNa..

shoT by @djkeNN_aoN @chiefkeef #FoReVeRFLy *rewiND*


jusT had to rePosT to remind you that @tabibonney has definitely always had super fly non video girls x made iNCRediBLe viSuALs x muziK dickriDiNg jusT a #FaCT

TaBi BoNNey x RiOviLLe...TeRRoRiST LoVe MeNaCe

iFeel like @tabibonney casTS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS iN his viSuaLs #saLuTe to hiM x COoL KiDs FoReveR x my baby Geo the leading lady...she exudes styLe!! oH yeah I'm no longer taking any debates on this... #FOReVeRFLy

Monday, January 7, 2013

CSHOT x DJ BuRN One // No LOVe iN BeTweeN [video]

No LoVe iN beTweeN from CSHOT on Vimeo.

diReCTed by FoReVeRFLy FiLMs @cshot x @djburNone x @5PMG..iFux w/ this!!!


RiFF RaFF...aCe oF SPaCe



directed by FxRBeS this is tuFF GHoZT s/o to the Raider KlaN

A Tribe Called Quest // ELectric Relaxtation [video]

Take a break to appreciate quality Hip Hop. Produced x Q. Tip off the classic "Midnight Marauders" LP that Mystic Brew" sample by Ronnie Foster >>>> maaaaaan thats obscure...Tip is a musician for real. I hate I can't find the director for this either smh 1990's video director credits were hidden like black accomplishments smh...This black and white visual of NYC was so cinematic to me I wasn't even in America yet but when I did get here to get his lava I was hooked...S/O to my cousin Natanya for putting; a youth on game ..Phife x a gang of other folks used o sweat her @ howard she was the illness. A personal favorite LP #MignightMaurauders. 1993 Zomba Recording LLC

iNDEED x DJ Burn One // Norman Connors [video]

Directed x a CoLoR BrowN ShoT...veRy doPE...this is the iST visual from the iCoNIC LP "INDeeDFaCe" Produced by @djburnone x @5PMG... @walt live x @gorickygo x @theprofessoraTL

Sunday, January 6, 2013

MaCH FiVe...THe JuxTaPoSiTioN

SHyNe x VLaD..aiRs iT aLL ouT

wiZ x TaYLoR GaNG...SMoKiN vLoG


produced by jGLaze



2 CHaiNz vs THe NeeDLe DRoP

CHieF KeeF vS THe NeeDLe DRoP

FaB x PuSH...LiFe is So EXCiTiNG

aSaP x MiSS iNFO

TwO 9 x Key x ReTRo SuSHi...sTaYiN TRue

RETRO SU$H! (@RetroSushi) feat. Key! (@fatmankey) - "Stayin True" Produced by Ceej of Retro Su$h! (@SvvCEEJ) Off the debut mixtape "Kung Fu In Japan" - Directed by A Tall Guy Films @atallguycreativ & Rome Fortune

DiaMoND D x CRaTe DiGGeRs..ViNyL CoLLeCTioN

BLu..AmNeSia *capiTal STeez TriBuTe*

PRoJeCT PaT..iAiNT seeN SHiT

a$aP FeRG x RoCky x FReNCH x Q x TJ

This shit haRd!!!

AR-AB aiRS oUT caSSiDy

HoLySHyT this was fuNNy..iF meek doesnt uSe these vocals iN his new diss he's triPPiN

CaSSiDy..R.a.i.D...MeeK DiSS

iTs heatiNG up..buT I'll B daMNed iF that aR-aB video diDNT just destroy this...daaaG this battle is getting good

DiDDy Live iN KiNGsToN JA @ LiMe LiTe