Saturday, September 29, 2012

SLeePy"s THeMe...STiLL SMoKiN

"StiLL sMokiN...StiLL driNkiN...siTTiN on the lincoln 4am thiNkiNg.." iF they iNspiRed 3 stacks they can inspiRe U 2" #DF #FOReVeRFLy

SLeePys THeMe...CURSe oN you

BiG L...PuT iT oN

LiFestyLes of the PooR & dangerous was my favorite tape in HiGh ScHooL...

DaS EFx...They waNT EFx

LoRDs oF The UNderGrouNd...ChieF RoCka

CaMP Lo...LuCHiNi


DiGaBLe PLaNeTs...CooL Like DaT

Too SHoRT..CoCkTaLEs


produced by BoTchey Beats off @cshot new LP NiCe FRoM FaR...FaR FRoM NiCe 10.11.12 #FoReVeRFLy

BuSy SiGNaL x JR GoNG...kiNGstoN TowN rmx



TuFF tune shotta!!! #FoReVeRFLy

Friday, September 28, 2012

SPaNKy DaNky x DaZ DiLLiNGer...Kick N da Doe

iAlways wondered what iT would be like to have a dad as cool as snoop you could smoke with & iN amsterdam no less...stop froNTiN you know UR jealous U canT do that...iF I'm not mistaken this is the 1st time a father on son smoked together in a HiP HoP video so iHad to post iT...produced by SuPaFly...#FoReVeRFLy

US soLdiER fiLMS himself being shot by TalibaN

Bless the soldiers...they're imortant!!

Ta-Ku...CuTTiNG wiTH textuREs

BoB42jh...SOLaCe...30 min iNsTruMeNtaL mix


FaT TReL x DRaMa...RiDe wiT Me


A$aP LiVe @ RoSeLaNd

TaLiB @ the faN caVe

YeLaWoLF...SluMeRiCaN EP 2

Da BeaTMiNeRz...CRaTe DiGGeRs

s/o to Fuse iLove this series...

ChiEF KeeF x SoULja Boy x YouNG Chop...FiNaLLy RiCH SeSsioN

iGGy AzaLea...Bac II tha FuTuRe

GuCCi x SCoOTeR x MiKe WiLL..RoLLie

a rolex wiTH burberry 0_o

Too ShoRT...I'm a PlayeR

too shoRT is #FoReVeRFly..playa shiT!!!

Eazy E....ReaL MuTHaFuCkiN G's

iPost the new stuff but iviBe of the tunez that I used to look & listen to in amazement wheN iFiRsT came from JamaiCa

MaSTeR P...MR iCe CReaM MaN

CeLLy CeLL..iTs GoiN DowN

MGk iN PaRis live

SWaY x JuiCy J...

T-PaiN...DoNT you quiT

now U know..iLike dis yeaaaahhhh directed by decatur dan

E40 // Concrete [video]

"@ the begiNNiNg of my maNishness iWas the manishest"...booomBoCLooooT!...daMNNN cuTTy 1 time for 40 water!!!!

FoSTeR The PeOPLe...PuMPeD uP kicks

Thursday, September 27, 2012


CuT CHeMiST ViNyL CoLLecTioN...CRaTe DiGGeRs

that dedication...

EviDeNCe x PLaNeT aSiA x TWiz...SaKuRa

GuDDa GuDDa...INsiDe & OuT

LiL WayNe..saMe OLd TuNe

DiGGiN iN The CRaTeS doC

know your hip hop history #FoReVeRFLy

DiaMoND D x JuaN EpSTeiN

WeeZy breaks ELvis BiLLboard record

LiL WayNe (he's 30 do iSTiLL have to say LiL) had a huGe week Opening the 1st skate park in N.O & today he kicked Elvis out the building and the history books. With Game’s “Celebration” debuting at #82 on Billboards Hot 100, Weezy’s contribution has earned him his 109th chart entry, surpassing Elvis Presley’s record. Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Tunechi.

iCe CuBe x Das EFx...CheCk yo SeLF (uNCUT)

iCe CuBe...GooD Day

yeah iKnow this a repost just follow me...

iCe CuBe...U Know How we do iT (uNCuT)

AeO...DoPE Boyz The Movie TraiLeR

DoLLa BONe x MLB...AEo

iCe CuBe..U Know hOw we Do iT PT II

BiG MiKe x PiMP C...HaViN THaNGs

TeLa...SHo NuFF

TeLa...TiRed OF BaLLiN

U neva heard a player say that shiT....s/o to young jazzy

GeTo BoYz...DaMN iT FeeLs GooD 2 B a GaNGsTa

"eveN tho iWas BoRN iN I'm in the US makiNg deals.."

GaNG STaRR...MaSs aPPeaL

PeTe RoCk & CL SMooTH..T.R.O.Y

yeah I'm really jammiN this morNing...

RoyCe da 5 9" x PReMo...HiP HoP

E-40 x PRoBLeM x YG x iAmSU...FuNCTioN (original)

DoM KeNNeDy x CaRDo....GRiNDiN

2 ChaINz...B.O.A.T VLoG


iGuess they said fuck the back of the mixtape huh....iGuess they figure yall doNT need to know who made what soNgs...*shrugs*

YouNG DRo x DJ BuRN 1....RaLpH LaUReN ReeFa

@dropolo @djburnone

MMa styLe beatdowN

dude just got up...nice iThought he would've been unconscious...

HeaRTBreaKiNG PiTbuLL mauLs 3 mth old chiLd whiLe pareNTs argue

yall goNNa stiLL keep fuckiN wiT these pitbulls untiL a tragedy happens to your family too...fuck a piT!!! This is too sad

Curren$y x STyLeS P x Harry Fraud | WoH

"Mo $$$$$ to to park...bitches to break...wars to staRT...."#FOReVeRFLy

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

JeaN GRea...KiLL SCReeN

goiN for the KiLL scReeN FisT fuLLa quaRTeRs...NiiiiiCe JeaN goT greasy....directed by @jeangreasy...GoTHoM doWN LP ouT sOON thank God!!

JaDeN...THe CoOLesT

very cool iVibed to this joiNT...youNG JadeN the MiSFiT

MaC MiLLeR x Whoo KiD

BeN BaLLeR...iCeS oUT PuSHa T

CaRDo...EvERyTHiNg is GoLd...STREaM

EA's oWN super producer CardO releases "Everthying is GoLD" and aptly titled #OUT NOW cop this on iTuNes...iAM!!!$-gold/id563627183

NiNa B...TaR BaBy

N.E.R.D...SHe waNTs to Move

5 5" whaTs GraViTy...ShORTesT PRo DuNKeR

CoLoRaDo WoMAN foR CouNTy ClerKs reGisTeRiNG onLy RoMNey VoTeRs

WTF...this election is dirtier than a muthafucka!!!



that fool juicy looked @ cthagod said "iF iTs good..SMaSH!!!" LMaO good shiT

MiKKey HaLsTed...MMM SeaSoN


G.O.O.D MuSiC..CRuEL SuMMeR #1 216,000

CoNGRaTs to G.O.O.D musiC whooooooo rick flair nigga.....

Sunday, September 23, 2012

CoLoR OUTsiDe the LiNeS...DeLeTed SCeNeS

deleted scene froM the groundbreaking TaTToo DocumenTaRy "CoLoR ouTsiDe the LiNEs" from artistic visionary Miya BaiLey & CiTY of iNk shot by ARteMus J...this is a black owned & produced independent documentary that brings to light knowledge of the culture of TaTToOs from many perspectives iTs a must see...iTs one of the best pieces of arT iOwN (yeah thats mine signed up top...doNT hate)! support quality arT U can buy it here: check out BRiTaniE GiRaRD & BRiTTaNy SLaM...#FoReVeRFLy

MiCHaEL BLacKsoN..1st AMeNdMeNT

MiChaeL BlacksoN...BlaCk FriDay EP 11

OChoCiNCo...iST iNTeRVieW

Lane BRawL in yard...


chix wiT kix...SuKie


JuiCy J x wayne x Titty...BandzAmakeheRdanCe

what is this shit...where the strippers @...& why is there a band & why R there pornstars that areN'T naked...#SMH

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

YouNG sCoOTeR....CaSH MoNeY

Curren$y x WiZ x K.R.I.T | JeT LiFe [video]

SCoTTy x Playboy Tre x SL jones...Too CooL rmx

HaRDkNoCk x JoEy BadaSs x CJ FLy

NaRdwuaR vs DaNNy BRowN

NaRdwuaR vs KeNDRiCk

NaRdWuaR vs BiG SeaN

RaEKwON..PuRPLe Tape deluxe

iWaNT this...

MR.FaB...DeaR RevOLuTioNaRy



G.O.O.D MuSiC x FuNk FLex

GaMe x wEezy x wiZ x CHRis B x TyGa...CeLeBRaTioN

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

CMoN soN 37...

37 whooah...iDunno iF I'm goNNa keep posting....

WeLCoMe HoMe CHi ALi

BeRNeR x JuiCy J...CeRTiFieD FReaK x DRuGs

FRaNK OCeaN...PyRaMiDs

G.O.O.D MuSiC // CRUeL SuMMeR LeaK

iKnow what UR thinkiN but iDiDnT do iT...right hand to the sky 0_o 01 – “To The World” – Kanye West feat. R. Kelly & Teyana Taylor [Prod. by Pop & Oak. Co: Hudson Mohawke, Million $ Mano, Ken Lewis, Travi$ Scott & Anthony Kilhoffer] 02 – “Clique” – Kanye West & Big Sean feat. Jay-Z & Cocaine 80s [Prod. by Hit-Boy. Co: Kanye West, Anthony Kilhoffer & Noah Goldstein] 03 – “Mercy” – Kanye West, Big Sean & Pusha T feat. 2 Chainz [Prod. by Lifted & Kanye West] 04 – “New God Flow” – Kanye West & Pusha T feat. Ghostface Killah [Prod. by Boogz, Tapez & Kanye West] 05 – “The Morning” – Pusha T, Common, CyHi The Prynce, Kid Cudi & D’banj feat. Raekwon and 2 Chainz [Prod. by IllMind & Kanye West. Co: Jeff Bhasker & Travi$ Scott] 06 – “Cold” – Kanye West feat. DJ Khaled & DJ Pharris [Prod. by Hit-Boy] 07 – “Higher” – Pusha T feat. The-Dream, Ma$e & Cocaine 80s [Prod. by Hit-Boy. Co: Kanye West & Mike Dean] 08 – “Sin City” – John Legend, Teyana Taylor, CyHi The Prynce & Malik Yusef feat. Travi$ Scott [Prod. by Tommy Brown & Travi$ Scott] 09 – ”The One” – Kanye West & Big Sean feat. 2 Chainz, Marsha Ambrosius & Cocaine 80s [Prod. by Kanye West. Co: Hudson Mohawke, The Twilite Tone, Mannie Fresh & Lifted] 10 - “Creepers” – Kid Cudi [Prod. by Dan Black] 11 - “Bliss” – John Legend & Teyana Taylor [Prod. by Hudson Mohawke] 12 - “Don’t Like (Remix)” – Pusha T, Kanye West & Big Sean feat. Chief Keef & Jadakiss [Prod. by Young Chop. Co: Kanye West, The Twilite Tone & Noah Goldstein]



Directed by DecaTuR DaN...produced by NaRD & B s/o to my homegiRL Toi in the lead iSee ya

RaDiOHeaD...ReFLeCTioNs oF KiD A

RaRe documentary of one of my favorite bands....#DoPe

RaDioHeaD...HoUse of CaRds

ReD HoT ChiLLi PePPeRs...By The Way

CouSiN BanG x KaNye x GLC x CaM...HaRoLds ChiCkeN

#HOLYshYT this was actually real...that niGGa baNg said "i'LL kick UR bRaiNs loose" LMaO baNg be buGgiN


iHad to briNg bang back

FaB iN FRaNce


maRRied GHaNa docToR having sex b4 abortions

iWonDeR how many diseases this guy has & proly gave to his wife....we live in a crazy fuckin world...#SMH


mad decent...

FaT TReL...RePecT w/ the teCh

FaT TReL x MeaTCHi...EveRyboDy LookiN

TreL muRdeRed that...

MaLe (drag queen) does 3 yrs in womens prison o_0

see this is what the fuck I'm talkin about what the fuck is this shiT this fool is suiNg for a milli b/c the jail lied to keep him in a womens prison...for obvious saftey reasons....

DMX is WHyLiN....iLuV iT

iS Anybody else as happy to see X back on his shyT but me...well iKnow Drake ainT but this fool said that aint KFC thats UFC (URFC) #LMAo iDont know why that cracked me up but it did...when he said iAiNT met 1 Gangsta outta ToRonTo...iT made me think of when Puff said U donT own not 1 kukaroo *dead*

CHuBBie BaBy...yeaH iGoT em

s/o to ChuBBie Baby the hustler..iSee my girl sara made the video & roxy & a gang a other hoT chicks outta DOA...#wiCKeD

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

FLaVoR FLav RoaST...JimmY KiMMeL

CHaRLie SHeeN..RoaST

BuN B x LiL keKe...DRaPed UP





DaNNy BRowN..GyPpeD by a CRaCkHeaD

yo GoTTi..iN the kiTCHeN...

yeah maaaN this is my fav goTTi video & track hands dowN this riddiM is monstrous...dont fight me on this...

yo GoTTi..iDoNT LiKe gmix

yOLa..LiVe ReaL, Die ReaL...


DJ BuRn oNe x BlaCk BiLL Gates x MauRiCe GaRLaNd present RaRa formerly YouNg CapoNe and his new mixtape "HiGHeR"...

DGB x SCoTTy x Cash CrooKs x TraP a HoLiCs..LaRge on The STReeTs 26

KiLLa KyLeoN...AMsTeRdaM

SaiGoN x STyLeS P...NoT LiKe TheM

BuSTa RHyMes...YeaR FRoM the DRaGoN

01. I'm Talking To You 02. Til We Die (featuring Rick Ross & Trey Songz) 03. Do That Thing 04. Make It Look Easy (featuring Gucci Mane) 05. Pressure (featuring Lil Wayne) 06. Love-Hate (featuring Robin Thicke) 07. Grind Real Slow 08. King Tut (featuring Reek Da Villian & J-Doe) 09. Sound Boy (featuring Cam'ron) 10. Doin It Again (featuring Reek Da Villian & Chanel Nicole) 11. Wine & Go Down (featuring Vybz Kartel) 12. Movie (featuring J-Doe) 13. Crazy 14. Bleed The Same Blood (featuring Maino & Anthony Hamilton)

BooTLeG KeV x BiG SeaN

yeLaWoLF x TRaViS BaRKeR..PsYcHo WhiTe

5 TraCk EP ouT SooN 1. Push ‘Em Ft. Skinhead Rob & Tim Armstrong 2. 6 Feet Underground Ft. Tim Armstrong 3. Funky Shit 4. Whistle Dixie 5. Director’s Cut Ft. Michael Myers & Superman

2 CHaiNz...HiGh SChooL B-BaLL

RiTa ORa...SHiNE youR LiGhT on JiMMy KiMMeL

TRaE...GeT eM oFF Me

RyaN LeSLie? iThouGHT L.E.S is moRe...

not that we're judging iAm + he had a valid reason..maybe he didnT know? but when iSaw Ryan Leslie's new cover iWas like here we go agaiN...we fuck wiT Ryan Leslie & we fuck wiT L.E.$ & we aiNT goT "No Love" for bitiNg even iF accidental....

CuRReN$y x HaRRy FRauD...LeaviNG the doCk

from what SpiTTa said on hs twitter today...there wiLL be a visual for every song off CiGaReTTe BoaTs in that oRdeR...#very niCe

Monday, September 10, 2012

My faVoRiTe SceNe eP 8..BReaKiNG BaD

i"m glad they prolonged the last episode this has to be the best season yet right iAm agaonizing over that last scene of EP 8 caaraaazy...iDunno but iTs dope...the music made it all so perfect... "pick yourself up...dust yourself off & start all over agaiN..."...this has to be 1 of the iLLest KiLLs EVA on the tele...


produced by BiG JeRM x Sayez off Macadelic...



LiL DuVal x CHaRLaMaNGe..HoOd STaTe of The UNioN

Get More: MTV Shows

LiL JoJo..Day in THe LiFe

LiVe kiLLiNg w/ aN AK

LiL KeKe...THe LeaK

01. Lil Keke - Intro (0:19) 02. Lil Keke - Cocaine Nights (3:31) 03. Lil Keke - Slab Kings (2:13) 04. Lil Keke - Cash (3:09) 05. Lil Keke - Memories (3:53) 06. Lil Keke - Real Trill (3:09) 07. Lil Keke - Leak 1 (0:18) 08. Lil Keke - Candy Red (4:37) 09. Lil Keke - Fresh Freestyle (1:58) 10. Lil Keke - Rain (2:34) 11. Lil Keke - Real Talk (1:20) 12. Lil Keke - Thew Da City (3:07) 13. Lil Keke - Spending Money (2:59) 14. Lil Keke - Brand New (1:57) 15. Lil Keke - Old School (4:40) 16. Lil Keke - Back In Da Day (4:31) 17. Lil Keke - Come Wit Me (4:38) 18. Lil Keke - For A Real G (4:03) 19. Lil Keke - Outro (0:47)



looks like both X's are back...

RiTTz...QueSTioNs 2k12

yow RiTTz murdered the 1st TecH 9 iEver heard on the mureder was the case soundtrack but this tribute is sick to say the least 770 stand up..whoooooo *Rick Flair*


Sunday, September 9, 2012

RiHANNa x A$aP...CockiNess Live

b/c the ass grab was righteous fool...#TRiLLSHiT

JR. GoNG x SKRiLLeX..BuN deM doWN

Kev oPeNs VMa's #HEeLaRRyuS

yeahhh some parts of the VMa's deserved a reeeeewwwwwiNd

This guy took the time to slow mo RiHaNNa callin Drake & WayNe assholes...

2 CHaiNz x WayNe...VMA performance

2 Chainz And Lil Wayne Performing Yuck/ No Worries @VMAs

b/c iFelT iNeeded to

MaN kiLLs womaN after she tells hiM she's H.i.V +

Man Stabs Girlfriend to Death After She Told Him Shes HIV Positive

"She kiLLed me, so iKiLLed her"...iMean can u blame him?

PRoDiGy..KeeP iT ThoRo

'I did off dis shiT & wrecked my audi" maaaan P say iT aiNT so bro...


beat if dope...directed by JeFF Reyes

LuCCi Vee...TheRaFLu reFix

LuCCi be spiTTiN...U goTTa hear her on "Leader" huuuh (rick ross voice) gotta look out for her...

LiL jOjO...3huNNaK

Just figured I'd post the video which apparently got this youte murdered...QuestioN yall got all these guNs in the visual talkiN mad reckless & they murdered while U were U ridiN a bicycle o_O

Saturday, September 8, 2012

JoEy baDaSS x PRo eRa..iNvasiON radio FreestyLe

WTF is this bullshiT...this caNT be the same kid. Like this was so disappointing to wiTness as you can see by all the posts iTHought Joey & the Pro Era kids were that breath of fresh air from NY that rapped like New Yorkers & could spiT...this aiNT that...iMean iKnow they're young but they got record deals know how many tight artists are looking for a way to be heard & yall labels signing kids b/c they're young not that they can spit....#iCaNT

Thursday, September 6, 2012

VMA's 2k12

BiG SeaN...DeTRoiT

JuiCy J..CaN'T SToP us...

Young Dolph // iTs My Time [video]

S.Memphis ...S.Memphis turn up!!! iTs Dolph

The BesT of ChaRLaMaNge

CHRiS LiGHTy funeral

E40 vs NaRdWuaR

JeaN GRae..KiLL SCReeN

JoEy BaDaSS...Rejex 01. Joey Bada$$ - Intro [Prod. By Chuck Strangers] (1:15) DownloadPlay02. Joey Bada$$ - Flow-ers [Prod. By Madlib] (2:23) DownloadPlay03. Joey Bada$$ - Catharsis [Prod. By Madlib] (1:57) DownloadPlay04. Joey Bada$$ - Indubitable [Prod. By Lord Finesse] (2:40) DownloadPlay05. Joey Bada$$ - oG killuminati [Prod. By Knxwledge] (1:28) DownloadPlay06. Joey Bada$$ - Pantie Raid [Prod. By Stuyvesant] (2:12) DownloadPlay07. Joey Bada$$ - That Gushy [Prod. By 9th Wonder] (2:51) DownloadPlay08. Joey Bada$$ - Fantom [Prod. By Kirk Knight] (1:37) DownloadPlay09. Joey Bada$$ - Silent Night [Prod. By Kirk Knight] (4:43) DownloadPlay10. Joey Bada$$ - Oh, Deer (Beddar Daze) [Prod. By MF Doom] (2:33) DownloadPlay11. Joey Bada$$ - DSL (Da Special List) [Prod. By Bagirba] (3:20) DownloadPlay12. Joey Bada$$ - Update [Prod. By Kirk Knight] (5:05) DownloadPlay13. Joey Bada$$ - Little Rachel [Prod. By Jack Thwagger] (1:54) DownloadPlay14. Joey Bada$$ - This Feelin' [Prod. By Cyne] (Bonus) (3:16) @joeybadass_ #ProEra tuff!! #ForeverFLy

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


a NoTe froM @cshot off his bancamp: the "MaSTeRPieCe" is by far oNe of my most polished pieces of woRK siNce "FoReVeRFLy" iT shows alotta growth lyrically! recorded entirely at "The TrackHouse" by @riabhonthebeat. iNcRediBLe verses, knowckout puNchliNes, the iLlest riDDiMS froM the iLLeST producers froM super producer @ribahonthebeat to the world famous @djburnone & #Five PoiNTs MusiC GrouP, rocafella records hit maker @jahlilbeats, phoNk gOd #SPVCXGHXZTPURRP, VeRYRVRe & the mysterious time travelling CLaMs Ca$iNo.....releasiNG 8.20.2012 before my greatest LP to date "NiCe FRoM FaR...FaR FRoM NiCe out 10.11.12 . The music on the "MasTerPieCe" is so sonically & lyrically sound iTs the perfect blend of style, flava & reality definitely missing in todays climate of HiP HoP. This wiLL be another giFT to my supporters, so iF U like iT definitely check out the "PRiVe" apparel in the merch store & keep rockiN with me king...truss me iTs only goNNa get better!!! Keep Supporting talented iNdePendenT art & muzik w/o your help we canT exist & evolve! #FOReVeRFLy credits released 20 August 2012 featuring KaOs x JDaT x PoWDeR FoRevERFLyTV deluxe cover below:


KiRKo BaNGs...PK4


RiHaNNa x A$aP...CoCkiNess rmx

ClyDe CaRsoN x The TeaM x E40 x Gucci x DoM..SLow DowN rmx

i'm NoT eveN goNNa say iToLd U this was sLaPPiN from last year...


I'm just goNNa be siLeNT...


SPRaGGa BeNZ x FoXy BRoWN..Oh yeah

BOuNTy KiLLeR x FuGeeS...HiPHOPeRa


Supercat x BiG x Puffy x 3Rd Eye // DoLLy My Baby (rmx) [video]

"mi say mek love go & mi say let love stay" BiGGie griLL nuh! U know thats mary J blige right *gunshots & sireNs* Produced x Featuring Trevor Sparks..Papa San sample was big dem days deh. 93. Whew I was dumb young..not even in America yet. This is classic.

NaS x JR GoNG... NaH MeaN

NaS x JR GoNg...The LaND of PRoMiSe

more fya!!!!

Wu...iCe CReaM

1 of my all tiMe fav videos...all these chicx look good...Wu used to have all the bitches!!! "iLove you like i love my dick size..."

ShyNe x BaRRiNGToN LeVy...Bad Boyz

yall remember this shyNe...


BaRRiNgToN LeVy...HeRe iCoMe

every LP froM Mr. Levy from Broader than BRoadway, here iCoMe, Crucial, ShiNe Eye Gal...hell eveN the coLLecTioNs are treasuRes iN my mvast music coLLecTioN...MR.Levy large up yourself!!!

The PHaRCyDe...SHe saiD

The PHaRCyDe...The OTHa FisH

ReD HoT ChiLLi PePPeRs...SCaR TiSSuE

ReD HoT CHiLLi PePPeRs...CaLiFoRNiCaTioN

ToM PeTTy & The HeaRTBReaKeRs...Mary JaNe's Last DanCe

THe KiLLeRs...ReaD my MiND

The SMaSHiNG PuMPkiNs...1979

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

SoULja BoY...Juice II

iWoNDer iF theose guys out the GoLD GanG seen this cover yet...not that I'm tryna imply anything or put anybody out there....cause this shyT is kinda jaMMiN

$HaMRoCk...MoNeY GReeN *OUT NOW*

Yeahhhhhh iTs SePteMber 4Th & the star/wiNNeR of Ego TRiP's "The WhiTe Rapper Show" Eastside's owN $HamRoCk is back with his 3rd hard hiTTiN "MoNeY GreeN" Lp featuring LiL WhYTe, LoRd iNFaMouS, Fraysher Boy, Jellyroll, Amber, Partee and a gang of sick producers. Definitely a BesT Buy...iNcidentally U caN PURCHASE them @ BesT BuY as well...SuPPoRT qualiTy iNdepenDenT artists!! 1.Money Green Intro 2.I Got It (feat. Lil Wyte & Partee 3.Real with You (feat. Amber 4.East$Ide 5.Money Callin' (feat. Jelly Roll) 6.Like Magic (feat. Amber Che 7.Ridin' (feat. Thug Therapy) 8.Phone Call (feat. Frayser Boy) 9.Torture Interlude 10.Wyte Music (feat. Lord Infam 11.Bring It 2 da Floor (feat. Part 12.yeah Hoe (feat. Lil Wyte) 13.Spinach (feat. Partee) 14.Loyalty (feat. Lil Wyte & Partee

JaY ELeCTroNiCa...Dimethyltryptamine

PiSTyLe..200 x PuSHa

TWiSTa x DoN CaNNoN..ReLoaded

Monday, September 3, 2012

Talib Kweli x ZTRiP // Attack the Block

1. Attack The Block!!! 2. Letter From The Government (Prod by Vohn Beatz) 3. That’s Enough ft John Forte, Skyzoo, Posdnous, Rubix Fashawn (Prod by OhNo) 4. Numerology (Prod by Symbolic One) 5. Congregation ft Black Thought, Ab-Soul (Prod by J Rhodes) 6. Outstanding ft Ryan Leslie (Prod by Boi 1nda) 7. Earning Potential ft Mac Miller (Prod by Amadeus) 8. The Corner ft Jay Rock (Prod by Charlemagne) 9. Getting To The Money- Cory Mo ft Talib Kweli, Killa Mike (Prod by Don Cannon) 10. NY Shining ft Greg Nice, Styles P (Prod by Symbolic One) 11. Mack Maine ft Talib Kweli Lil Wayne – Celebrate 12. Make It Classy 13. So Fresh 14. To The Music ft Maino (Prod by 9th Wonder) 15. I Like It ft Das Racist (Prod by OhNo) 16. Mr. E ft Talib Kweli Ace Hood – Let Em In 17. Solid Gold ft Grafh and Planet Asia 18. Fly Away

#LHHATL..ReuNioN pT 2...FiN

THuG LiFe...POuR ouT a lil LiquOR

pour a lil for Pac & Nate Dogg

2 PaC x DIGiTal UNerGRouNd...iGeT aRouNd

ScaRFaCe x Pac....SMiLE

I'm sure iPosted this b4 just shuT & vibe...I"m thizziN right now this shYT sounds so good...

Mos DeF...GHeTTo RoCk

MoS DeF...CaSa DeF

yeah iAM iNeed of good hip hop while I'm goNe on this molly smokiN on some Gods GiFT...roasted...

Mos Def x Sex Love & MoNey

when YasiN Bey was PReTTy Flacko...

Mos DeF & TaliB KWeLi...HiSToRy

Mos DeF x DJ HoNDa...TraVeLLiNg maN 98 origiNaL


GuNPLay...601 & SNoRT

01. Gunplay - Intro (0:48) 02. Gunplay - Take Dis (2:18) 03. Gunplay - Real Niggas (Feat. Rick Ross) (4:12) 04. Gunplay - 187 Freestyle (1:53) 05. Gunplay - Crimnology Freestyle (2:13) 06. Gunplay - I Got That Sack Freestyle (1:49) 07. Gunplay - So Sophisticated (Remix) (4:30) 08. Gunplay - Pop Dat Freestyle (1:47) 09. Gunplay - Na Nigga (Feat. Sam Sneak ,Trina & Tip Drill) (3:21) 10. Gunplay - $2 Special (0:21) 11. Gunplay - Take It Off Freestyle (1:37) 12. Gunplay - Same Damn Time (Remix) (4:34) 13. Gunplay - Gullitine Swords Freestyle (1:23) 14. Gunplay - Bible On The Dash (2:49) 15. Gunplay - Give Me Some Cash In My Hand (0:24)

GuNPLay...TaKe This...

I'M goNNa be siLenT...b/c of my objective journalisM i"LL actually post his mixtape next...

LiL wayNe x DJ DRaMa...DeDiCaTioN IV

TRACKLIST 1.- Intro 2.- Isane 3.- Socity 4.- My Chick ft Watzy 5.- Bounty Hunter Gang 6.- Self Destrustion 7.- No BS ft 2 chainz 8.- Skit 9.- Tell You 10.- I dont like Remix ft Skummy Kant Do Right 11.- Single Mother 12.- Selfish Bitch